The New Alliance and changing patterns of growth – workshop

Seed conditioning plant in EthiopiaInitial findings from research into changing patterns of growth and investment in countries involved in the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, will be presented in November.

Building on earlier analysis, this project reviews recent trends in agricultural growth, rural poverty and hunger, to understand better changes that have taken place, what remains to be done, and what role policy can play.

The New Alliance was launched in 2012. Nine African countries have so far joined the initiative, which seeks to stimulate private investment in African agriculture, including from countries outside Africa.

The early findings of the work will be presented to a half-day workshop in Accra, planned for November 2013.

The workshop aims to include representatives from the government of Ghana, researchers from Ghana universities, FARA, IFPRI-Accra, FAC West Africa and ACET.

The researchers from Future Agricultures include Sharada Keats (ODI), George Kwadzo (Dept of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, University of Ghana), Jim Sumberg (IDS) and Steve Wiggins (ODI).

For further information, contact Jim Sumberg:

Photo: G-8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition Dupont-Ethiopia-USAID launch