LDPI Small Grants 2012: Recipients

ldpi-logoThe Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI) has announced the awards of its Small Grants programme for 2012.  The LDPI is a network to promote ‘engaged research’ on the recent explosion of (trans) national commercial and corporation-driven land transactions.

Out of the 48 grants awarded, the Future Agricultures Consortium has supported 21 small grants for research across 15 countries in Africa.

Awardees for Africa

The awardees for Africa, in no particular order, are as follows:

  1. Jessica Chu, SOAS
    Foreign investments in agriculture in Zambia: Evaluating potential and the new social products of large-scale farmland acquisitions
  2. Muriel Cote, University of Edinburgh
    What’s in a right? A case of land governance at the intersection of neoliberalisation and decentralisation in the gold mining sector of Burkina Faso
  3. Ana Sofia Ganho, University of Manchester
    “Friendship” rice? A Chinese rice plantation in Mozambique
  4. Justa Mayra Hopma, University of Oxford
    Jordanian food security and agricultural investments overseas, particularly in Sudan
  5. Chris Huggins, Carleton University, Ottawa
    Consolidating land, consolidating power: What future for smallholder farming in Rwanda’s ‘Green Revolution’?
  6. Alice Kelly, Berkeley University
    Enclosure of park lands: the case of Waza National Park, northern Cameroon
  7. Jean Lee, University of Vermont
    Political dynamics in carbon credit projects and land use change: the case of Western Kenya Smallholder Agricultural Carbon Project (WKSCAP)
  8. Adelaide Lusambili
    Alienated from our land: capital, modern technology and dispossession in Western Kenya
  9. Eric Kushinga Makombe, University of the Witwatersrand
    Subaltern voices and corporate/state land grab in the Save Valley, Zimbabwe
  10. Scott Matter, Rutgers University
    Fair dealing or compromise under duress? Conceding land for carbon forestry in exchange for tenure security in Kenya’s Mau Forest
  11. Jessica Milgroom, Wageningen University
    Policy, participation and micro-struggles for sovereignty amidst large elephants in Mozambique
  12. Tsegaye Moreda, ISS, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
    Differentiated impacts of land grabbing on local communities in Benishangul-Gumuz region
  13. Rachel Nalepa, Boston University
    Linking land grabbing and land use change: a multi-scalar characterization of marginal lands for biofuels in Ethiopia
  14. Ben Neimark, Madagascar
    The land of our ancestors: property rights, social resistance, and alternatives to land grabbing in Madagascar
  15. Christine Noe, University of Dar es Salaam
    Land deals without land owners: minerals and wildlife in Mbarabg’andu community wildlife area, Tanzania
  16. Kerstin Nolte, University of Goettingen
    Three Investment Cases in the Office du Niger Region in Mali: Insights into the Process of land-related Investments with a Focus on the Involvement of the Local Population
  17. Paulette Nonfodji, University of Amsterdam
    Small Farm Holders’ Response to the Global Land Rush in Benin: Linkages of international solidarity between civil society organizations
  18. Hanson Nyuntakyi-Frimpong, University of Western Ontario
    Social Resistance to ‘Land Grabbing’ in Northern Ghana: A Class Dynamics and Gendered Analyses
  19. Wondwosen Michago Seidi
    The Land Deals in Ethiopia: The Changing Political Economy and Ecology Case Study: The Gambella Regional States
  20. Hussein Sulieman, University of Gadarif
    Land Grabbing along Livestock Migration Routes in Gadarif State, Sudan: Impacts on Pastoralism and the Environment
  21. Susanne Johanna Väth, Philipps-University of Marburg
    Gaining neighbours or disruptive factors – what happened when large-scale landbased investment in the Ghanaian oil palm sector met the local population on the ground?


The document below contains the full list of grants awarded by LDPI for 2012.

LDPI Small Grants recipients 2012 (PDF)