As the world meets to discuss adaptation climate change at the COP19 conference, Future Agricultures research looks at how African agricultural policy is responding in different ways to this major challenge.
Our work looks at how climate policy discussions are shaping agriculture in Kenya and Ethiopia; how to make more gender-responsive policies to adapt to climate change; and how to make better links between research and policy.
Agriculture and climate change in Kenya
Discussions on climate change and agriculture in Kenya are driven from within and outside the country’s borders. Kenya has been ahead of many other countries in developing a national climate change strategy. But there are concerns about whether coherent policy may be achieved.
- Working Paper: Agriculture and Climate Change in Kenya: Climate Chaos, Policy Dilemmas (pdf) by Immaculate Maina, Andrew Newsham and Michael Okoti
- Blog: Climate change in Kenya: narratives and dilemmas
Responding to climate change in Ethiopia
Policy responses to climate change are shaping the agricultural sector in Ethiopia, with significance for the country’s future development. Responses include those under the banner of ‘green’ economic development, with a focus on developing a low-carbon economy by 2025.
- Working Paper: Warming to Change? Climate Policy and Agricultural Development in Ethiopia (pdf) by Leulseged Yirgu, Alan Nicol and Shweta Srinivasan
- Article: Warming to climate change in Ethiopia?
Gender and climate change
Women at the centre of gender and climate change policy are typically portrayed as vulnerable, weak, poor, and socially isolated. But gender-responsive policy needs to move beyond stereotypes to look at social relations, including the diverse experiences of men and women, in adapting to threats and opportunities.
- Working Paper: Making Sense of Gender, Climate Change and Agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa (pdf) by Christine Okali and Lars Otto Naess
- Blog: Women and climate change: another special relationship?
Linking research and policy for climate adaptation
Climate change presents diverse challenges for urban areas, agriculture and health in different parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. Future Agricultures is carrying out reviews of the links between research and policy for adaptation. A key part of this is understanding the policy process – perceiving policy as an incremental and ‘messy’ process with many entry points or ‘policy spaces’, rather than a linear journey towards implementation.
Photo: Ethio drought 7 by aheavens on Flickr