Country Reports Kenya
Posted on January 14, 2010 by Lesley White - Miscellaneous
National Stakeholder workshop is being held in June this year.
Progress on the Commercialisations and Social Protection methodology.
Working to raise the visibility level of FAC at the national level.
People are interested and knowledgeable and many places (e.g. institutions, universities) are working on agriculture.
FAC has good institutional members (i.e. KIPPRA, Tegemeo) that are solid. As well, FAC has links with other partners (CIAT, ICRAF, etc.)
The success of the Fertiliser Workshop proves commitment and interest; even the private sector attended the workshop, which is a good sign.
FAC Kenya produces credible material (e.g. reporting to Dfid)
Cross-country work is very promising.
Work continues to be carried over from Phase I and work on fertiliser subsidies (Gem, Colin + Karuti + Rosemary) will be finished soon
Setting up the advisory group proved difficult. FAC had names last year – senior fellows in Ministries which were floated with other members but it was felt there was too much government. More names from CSOs – no names are not forthcoming. Committee was never constituted, as nominations could not be decided upon.
FAC is looking to Tegemeo to include as partner.
But these are informal collections – no formal mechanism to control membership. Things are being incrementally institutionalised but we’re a network with unclear formula for non-compliance.
This is a critical stage for us. In Kenya, July meeting was our attempt to come up with solutions – we sought names “advisors on future agricultures” but may be too strong. “advisory” is sensitive to government.
FAC should think about what it needs first – advocacy, advice, authority. Accountability – it’s a loose and organise organisation (FAC) growing organically – a typical network. Think carefully FAC needs the Ministry – otherwise FAC will end up so it can’t advise etc.
The “advisory group” is not really advocacy but a ‘critical friend’ that comments on our work.
- Setting up the advisory group proved difficult. FAC had names last year – senior fellows in Ministries which were floated with other members but it was felt there was too much government. More names from CSOs – no names are not forthcoming. Committee was never constituted, as nominations could not be decided upon.
- FAC is looking to Tegemeo to include as partner.
- But these are informal collections – no formal mechanism to control membership. Things are being incrementally institutionalised but we’re a network with unclear formula for non-compliance.
- This is a critical stage for us. In Kenya, July meeting was our attempt to come up with solutions – we sought names “advisors on future agricultures” but may be too strong. “advisory” is sensitive to government.
- FAC should think about what it needs first – advocacy, advice, authority. Accountability – it’s a loose and organise organisation (FAC) growing organically – a typical network. Think carefully FAC needs the Ministry – otherwise FAC will end up so it can’t advise etc.
- The “advisory group” is not really advocacy but a ‘critical friend’ that comments on our work.