Our CAADP policy briefs respond to the developing issues addressed by the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme, exploring the implications of new research for policy-making and practice.
So far 12 briefs have been published, and many translated into French: they can be downloaded for free below. Future Agricultures continues to engage with CAADP through meetings and publications. Our dedicated co-ordinator for CAADP is Sam Asuming-Brempong.
Download the series
- Can China and Brazil help Africa feed itself?
- Supporting small farmers to commercialise
- Large-scale Land Deals, Food Security and Local Livelihoods
- Les Transactions Foncières à Grande échelle, la Sécurité Alimentaire et les Moyens de Subsistance
- Young People and Agri-food: Aspirations, Opportunities and Challenges
- Les Jeunes et L’agroalimentaire: Aspirations, Opportunités et Défis
- Policy into Use: Accelerating Agricultural Growth through CAADP
- Politique en oeuvre: Accélération de la Croissance Agricole en passant par PDDAA
- Land and Livelihoods: Securing Broad-based Sustainable Growth
- La terre et le gagne-pain : Sécuriser le développement généralisé et viable
- Pathways to Commercialisation: Supporting Small Farmers
- Food and Hunger: Protecting Livelihoods Through Agricultural Growth
- Farmer First: Shifting Paradigms in Agricultural Technology Development
- Pastoralism in the Horn of Africa: diverse livelihood pathways
- L’économie pastorale dans la Corne de l’Afrique: Diverses voies de moyens de subsistance
- From technology transfer to innovation systems: sustaining a Green Revolution in Africa
- Du transfert de technologie jusqu’aux systèmes d’innovation: soutenir une révolution verte en Afrique
- High and volatile food prices: Supporting farmers and consumers
- Prix élevés et volatiles des denrées alimentaires: Soutien apporté aux agriculteurs
Image: Farmer on flood plain, Mongu, Western Zambia by WorldFish on Flickr