APRA Nigeria Stakeholder Meeting, Abuja
On 11 September, APRA Nigeria researchers met with a number of stakeholders at Yar’Adua Centre in Nigeria’s capital, Abuja. Stakeholders from all sectors relevant to the APRA research programme were represented, including 15 State Ministry officials, 9 industry group representatives and 6 Michigan State University (MSU)-APRA community leaders/medium-scale farmers.

Presentation of focus group discussion
The meeting was convened to spread awareness of the APRA programme and the need to advocate for better land policy in order to aid the development of commercial agriculture in Nigeria. The meeting also provided an opportunity for dialogue between the various stakeholders involved in APRA’s work in Nigeria – allowing non-researchers involved in the programme to ask questions and give feedback to the researchers.
Milu Muyanga opened the meeting with an overview of the APRA programme, before APRA’s West Africa Coordinator, Joseph Yaro, expanded further on the structure of the programme, and summarised some of the key findings to have emerged from APRA’s studies in Nigeria and Ghana so far. This was followed by remarks on APRA’s district-level activites from the Commissioners of Ogun and Kaduna states, and a presentation of preliminary results from the APRA Nigeria 2018 survey of farmers. The presenters then opened the discussion to the floor, taking questions from the audience of 60.

All attendees to MSU-APRA meeting in Abuja, Nigeria