Media Reports
- The Guardian, Ugandan villagers evicted to make way for forestry company (video)
- The Guardian, Mark Tran UN expert calls for guidelines to protect vulnerable people against ‘land grabs’ (quotes keynote speaker, Olivier de Schutter)
- Geographical Magazine A new colonial carve-up? includes quote from Ian Scoones, FAC
- The Guardian, Fred Pearce South Africa’s white farmers are moving further north
Guardian Focus Podcast Madeleine Bunting: How land grabs in Africa could herald a new dystopian age of hunger
The Guardian, Jaz Cummins and Claire Provost Talk point: Land grabs
Other Resources
- GRAIN – Landgrab resource page
- International Land Coalition
- ICAS/ISS Land, Poverty, Social Justice and Development
- ILRI – The gender implications of large-scale land deals
- Global Donor Platform – Land, Investment and Development
- IIED – Land grab or development opportunity? Agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa
- IFPRI – “Land grabbing” by foreign investors in developing countries
- Farm Land Grab .org – Food Crisis and the Global land Grab
- Dakar Appeal against the land grab, World Social Forum 2011
- Sime Darby on lookout for land, Reuters
- Agriterra to build port facility in Guinea, World Grain Staff
- Businesses urge Dubai to snap up farmland abroad,
- Ethiopian “sacred forests” sold to Indian tea producer, afrol News
- Silence over Ethiopian land grab broken, Afrik News
- Stop the global land grab, The Guardian
- Challenging Western distortions about Zimbabwe’s land reform, Global Research
- Hunger and food security: Is Africa selling the farm?, The Christian Science Monitor
- Food for all, The Malta Independent Online
- Land Grabbing in Kenya and Mozambique, FoodFirst Information and Action Network
- Congo offers investment opportunities in agriculture for Indian entrepreneurs, Food and Beverage News
- South African farmers ready to venture into the Congo, Food Crisis and the Global Land Grab
- Libyan land grab of Mali’s rice-producing land , Food Crisis and the Global Land Grab
- Mali opposition party demands details of land leases, warns of possible ‘land grab’, AP
- Redrawing colonial boundaries in the 21st century, All
- Madagascar: Daewoo’s rainforest land grab in nature’s paradise, Food Crisis and the Global Land Grab
- Global land grab takes root amid growing poverty , Business Daily
- Fears for the world’s poor countries as the rich grab land to grow food, The Guardian
- Tanzania: Researchers Tout Large Scale Commercial Farming, Tanzania Daily News
- International land grab sounds warning bells, The
- Unpacking a Chinese company’s land grab in Cameroon, GRAIN
- Land grab fears for Ethiopian rural communities, BBC
- Food crisis and the global land grab, Ethiopian Review
- Kenya, Qatar land deal questioned, Food Crisis and the Global Land Grab
- The backlash begins against the world landgrab, The Telegraph
- The great green land grab, The Guardian
- Land grab or development opportunity? Agricultural investment and international land deals in Africa, IFAD
- Biofuel demand driving new Africa ‘land grab’: study, Global Times