Recognizing that agriculture is the mainstay of most African economies, NEPAD has taken the lead inhighlighting the critical role agriculture must play to reduce food insecurity and poverty. The Com- prehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) has been endorsed by African Headsof State and Governments as a vision for the restoration of agricultural growth, food security, andrural development in Africa in July 2003. Since then, CAADP is the AU/NEPAD framework for devel- opment of the agriculture sector in Africa1. A specific goal of CAADP is to attain an average annualgrowth rate of 6% in agriculture. To achieve this goal, CAADP aims to stimulate agriculture-led de- velopment that eliminates hunger and reduces poverty and food insecurity. More specifically, theNEPAD vision for Africa holds that, by 2015, Africa should:
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