Young People, Farming & Food Conference
An international conference on the future of the agrifood sector in Africa
19-21 March 2012 – Accra, Ghana
This conference, co-hosted by the Future Agricultures Consortium and the Institute of Statistical Social and Economic Research (ISSER), will critically examine:
- How young people engage with the agri-food sector in Africa as producers, entrepreneurs, employees, consumers and citizens
- Changes in the agri-food sector and what this means for young people
- The implications for young people of alternative policy approaches to the development of the agri-food sector.
Presentation slides from the event are now available as links from the conference programme.
Latest articles

Agriculture and the generation problem: rural youth, employment and the future of farming
March 21, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Ben White, ISS Almost all countries in the world face serious problems of mass youth unemployment and underemployment, with unemployment rates much higher in rural than in urban areas. Small-scale agriculture is now, and if it survives in the
Youth employment in agriculture – a development dilemma in Nigeria
March 19, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Joseph Ayodele Ariyo and Michael Mortimore Youth farming is a dilemma of agrarian policy that has defied resolution for decades. This short discussion illustrates the dilemma in relation to a recent attempt to introduce an enclave of large-scale commercial
Opportunities and constraints for youth participation in horticultural production
March 18, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Kangai Elosy and John Mburu This paper draws on the case of youth smallholder fresh produce production and marketing in Eastern and Central Kenya. Specifically, the paper focuses on how youth farmers have embraced the opportunities that facilitate GlobalGAP
Does educational level influence the choice of farming as a livelihood career?
March 16, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by K.K. Lewa, and J.M. Ndungu Full title: Does educational level influence the choice of farming as a livelihood career? Results of an empirical study from coastal lowland Kenya Kenya’s long – term economic development strategy -“Vision 2030”- identifies agriculture
Rural youth aspiring to occupations beyond agriculture: Evidence from Young Lives Study in Ethiopia
March 16, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Yisak Tafere and Tassew Woldehanna The data presented in this paper is drawn from Young Lives longitudinal study in Ethiopia. It used three rounds of surveys and qualitative sub-studies conducted among the same children born in 1994 drawn from
Engaging Young Professionals in the Agri-food Sector: Strategies, Lessons and Experiences
March 16, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Courtney Paisley and Gbadebo Odularu Full title: Engaging Young Professionals in the Agri-food Sector: Strategies, Lessons and Experiences from YPARD and YPARD Africa Though the African agrifood sector has been growing steadily in the last decade, the contribution of
Young People’s Aspirations in Agriculture: a Case Study of Ghana’s Cocoa Sector
March 16, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Nana Akua Anyidoho, Jennifer Leavy and Kwadwo Asenso-Okyere Our paper considers the question of young people’s aspirations in agriculture in light of the renewed interest in the agricultural sector as a viable basis for development in sub-Saharan Africa and
Online poll #2: Attracting young people to agriculture
March 15, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference During the Young People, Food and Agriculture conference, we are asking a series of questions on the role young people in Africa play in agriculture. FAC YPF poll #2 Poll #2 There was an error on your page. Please correct any
Voices from Senegal: interviews with young farmers
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference What do young people really think about farming? Under the FAC Young People and Agrifood Theme, Dr Mohamadou Sall of Cheikh Anta Diop University (Dakar, Senegal) interviewed young farmers who are working under the REVA Plan. The REVA Plan was
Unspoken assumptions: youth, participation and the African policy process
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Dolf te Lintelo Demographic change, persistent and disproportionate unemployment and their feared implications for political disorder are key drivers of growing donor attention to youth as a development category. Bi and multilateral donors thus increasingly seek to mainstream youth
A tale of two peoples: the influence of race relations on agricultural patterns among Zimbabwean
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers A tale of two peoples: the influence of race relations on agricultural patterns among Zimbabwean young people by M. Sibanda, N. Chirinda and D. Nyathi Since the turn of the millennium, Zimbabwe has experienced a deterioration of race relations due
Targeting young adults/young households in Central Uganda: Where is the next generation of farmers?
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Anne Rietveld, Sam Mpiira and Charles Staver In Central Uganda, in spite of poor soils and high pest pressure, bananas are a primary source of household food and income. Farmers are increasingly challenged by how to maintain banana productivity
Transforming the agrifood industry to develop rural livelihoods
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Laura Pereira The global food system is facing unprecedented pressure from global change processes. These pressures are exacerbated by multiple transformations in the food system through the expansion of agrifood corporations that are consolidating their power in the global
Skill gaps in formal higher agricultural education: A youth perspective
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Courtney Paisley Agriculture is changing, and with it, a revised set of skills is needed to address new challenges in agriculture. A number of prominent documents point to professionals in Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) with different characteristics than
Gender and Youth: Decision making and participation in climate risk management in Zimbabwe
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Conrad Murendo, Lars Otto Naess and Kizito Mazvimavi Conservation agriculture, crop diversification and growing of drought tolerant crops are the main climate adaptation strategies widely practiced by households in Zimbabwe. Using data from FAC household survey of 2011, the
The role of indigenous gums and resins in pastoralist livelihood security
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers The role of indigenous gums and resins in pastoralist livelihood security and climate change adaptation in Garba Tula area of Northern Kenya by Yasin Mahadi, Jeremy Lind, Susan Wren and Lars Otto Naess Agriculture – both livestock and crop farming
A Critique On Research Prioritisation On New Bean Markets And The Youth In Malawi
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Ruth Magreta and Isaac Jonathan Jambo The livelihoods of many young Malawian bean farmers are constrained by poor access to both input and output markets. Despite government interventions and research, there is still a big problem in addressing the
Climate Change: The Hidden Adaptation Opportunities For Young People In The Agrifood Sector
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Esther Kihoro, Immaculate Maina, Maureen Miruka, and Festus M. Murithi Climate change is one of the biggest challenges to sustainable development. Africa is particularly vulnerable to climate change because of its overdependence on rain-fed agriculture, compounded by factors such
Youth, Agriculture and Land Grabs in Malawi
March 12, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Blessings Chinsinga and Michael Chasukwa Malawi has featured in the international media as a potential trigger of the unique version of the African Green Revolution for the rest of the countries to emulate. It has been flagged as such
Blog: Urban myths and rural futures for Africa’s young people
March 11, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference Are people in Africa really moving as much in one direction - into towns and cities - as is commonly believed? Ahead of our Young People, Farming and Food conference, John Thompson, Future Agricultures Consortium co-ordinator, has written a blog
“Last resort and often not an option at all”: Youth, education and farming as livelihood in Ethiopia
March 9, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Getnet Tadele and Asrat Ayalew The current government of Ethiopia considers the agricultural sector as the key factor that will ultimately determine the success or failure of its national development plan based on the ADLI philosophy. Growth in the
The REVA PLAN in Senegal: Does modern farming of change minds of young people about agriculture?
March 9, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Mohamadou Sall Agriculture has always held a central position in Senegalese economy. In all areas of the country, agriculture was and still remains the solid prop of domestic economy. Agriculture was given much attention by the colonial administration: successive
Quick Money and Power: Tomatoes and livelihood building in rural Brong Ahafo, Ghana
March 9, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Christine Okali and James Sumberg This paper uses an example of small-scale, labour-intensive tomato production that is expected to lead to short-term capital accumulation to explore the prospects of engaging rural youth in the agri-food sector in Africa. The
Enticing African young people to agriculture through education, training and mentorship
March 9, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Grace Mwaura The challenge for Africa is that of human capital, not the absence, but the disempowerment of it. I address this challenge in relation to African agriculture and food security in the continent, and with a focus on
Fostering sustainable engagement of the youth in the agrifood sector: opportunities and challenges
March 9, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By A.-H. Abubakari, M.R. McDonald, D. Ceplis, K.G. Mahunu, J. Owen, I.A. Idun, P. Kumah, M. Pritchard, G. Nyarko and F. Appiah The youth, who form the main active working force, constitute more than 20% of Ghana’s population. The Ghana
Results of poll #1: young people and policy
March 5, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference During the course of our Young People, Food and Agriculture conference, which is scheduled to take place March 19-21, we are asking a series of questions on what role young people in Africa play in agriculture. Results from the poll
Employment of agricultural graduates: Who are we training for?
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Sidi Sanyang, Samba Ly, Stella Ennis, Lamin Jobe, Lassine Diarra, Pierre Bantaba Despite the active involvement of the civil society organizations such as agribusiness and farmers’ organizations in the agriculture job market in the last 10 years, the public
Agricultural Non-family Workers (Sourga) in Senegal River Valley
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers by Amadou Ndiaye Agricultural non-family labour appeared on Senegal’s farms with the introduction of the groundnut crop during the colonial era. This phenomenon started between the two wars. A few years after War World II, with the establishment of a
Common interest youth groups and their contribution to food security
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers Full title: Common interest youth groups and their contribution to food security among small holder farm households In Western Kenya By Libaisi, J.K, Marinda, P.A. and Wakhungu, J.W. The realization of development and smallholders’ livelihood goals requires strategies to improve
Farm households’ livelihood diversification and its implications
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers Full title: Farm households’ livelihood diversification and its implications for young people’s engagement in agriculture, the case of Uasin Gishu County, Kenya by Korir, L.K., Lagat, J.K. and Njehia, B.K. In Kenya, the youth represent about 35.39% of the total
Exploring opportunities and constraints for young agro-entrepreneurs in Africa
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Francesca Dalla Vale, UN FAO The purpose of this paper is to offer an analytical review of opportunities and constraints faced by youth wishing to become agro entrepreneurs while giving some examples and suggestions as to how governments and
Agriculture in the School Curriculum in Zimbabwe
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Lydia Biriwasha, FAC Early Career Fellow Agriculture has always played a vital role in the socio-economic development of most countries. In most rural areas it is a major source of livelihood (Juma, 2007). The agricultural sector is important in
‘The Land of our Birth’: Rural Youth Aspirations and Career Choice in Farming
February 29, 2012 / Young People, Farming and Food conference papers By Richard A. Ampadu, International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University, The Hague A greater majority of studies in career development have focused on the educational aspirations of young people, with a particular accent on urban youth. Although agriculture is the
Reading list: Young People, Farming and Food
February 14, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference If you are attending or interested in our Young People, Farming and Food conference, you may like to read some of the resources below. They are selected examples of the rich body of research and reporting on youth and farming
What do young people think about cocoa farming in Ghana?
February 10, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference There is renewed interest in shoring up agriculture as an avenue to economic growth and, more broadly, to development on the African continent. This is evident in current policy and development discourses, in the budgetary and programmatic commitments of governments
Programme – Young People, Farming & Food conference
January 27, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference Young People, Farming & Food: the Future of the Agrifood Sector in Africa19-21 March 2012 Presentation slides from the conference are now available. The links are next to the titles in the list below. This programme was updated on 13
Media competition: winning entries
January 20, 2012 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference We're delighted to announce the winners of our Africa-wide journalism competition on young people, farming and food. We had over 40 submissions to the competition. The panel was all agreed in the winning entries according to the following criteria: 1.
General Call for Papers
June 29, 2011 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference Deadline 15 September 2011 The organizers invite papers that offer rigorous analysis from various critical perspectives around the topics and questions listed below. We also encourage comparative studies and welcome proposals for thematic panels. Co-organized and hosted by the Future
Ghanaian Student Call for Papers
June 29, 2011 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference Deadline 15 September 2011 The organizers intend to have a panel of 4-6 presentations, selected on a competitive basis, from current or recently completed undergraduate and/or postgraduate students from Ghana. Conference costs for the selected presenters will be covered. Co-organized
FAC Discussion Paper – Future Farmers: Youth Aspirations, Expectations and Life Choices
June 21, 2011 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference Young people constitute a high and increasing proportion of the African population, with around 70 percent of the continent’s total population currently under the age of 30. Evidence suggests many young people are choosing not to pursue livelihoods in the
Conference Background
April 19, 2011 / Young People, Farming & Food Conference In Africa, policy interest in the ‘young people – agriculture nexus’ focuses almost exclusively on the challenge of keeping young people in rural areas and engaged in farming. This approach ignores important drivers, trends and developments that are impacting on