Political Economy Conference 2013
<p>Conference papers and other resources from the FAC <a href=”events/policy-processes-conference”>conference on the Political Economy of Agricultural Policy in Africa</a></p><p>Pretoria, South Africa<br />March 2013</p>
Latest articles

How to Promote Institutional Reforms in the Agricultural Sector? A case study of Uganda’s National..
May 21, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Full title: How to Promote Institutional Reforms in the Agricultural Sector? A case study of Uganda’s National Agricultural Advisory Services (NAADS) Patience, B. Rwamigisa, Regina Birner, Margaret, N. Mangheni and Arseni Semana
Fertilizer subsidies & voting behavior: Political economy dimensions of input subsidy programs
April 19, 2013 / Political Decisions (parallel session) by N. Mason (MSU), T.S. Jayne (MSU), & N. van de Walle (Cornell) Presentation slides
Water grabbing dynamics in Chókwè Irrigation System, Mozambique
April 3, 2013 / Political Economic Aspects of Water Policies Water grabbing dynamics in Chókwè Irrigation System, Mozambique Gert Jan VeldwischWageningen University
The Political Ecology of Water Management in the Great Ruaha Catchment
April 3, 2013 / Political Economic Aspects of Water Policies The Political Ecology of Water Management in the Great Ruaha Catchment: Analysis of Winners, Losers and Villains Faustin P. MagangaUniversity of Dar es Salaam
A Snapshot: Issues and Perspectives on Water & Agriculture in South Africa
April 3, 2013 / Political Economic Aspects of Water Policies Ashwin SeetalRoyal Haskoning DHV
Asian Lessons & Agricultural Transformation in Rwanda (slides)
March 27, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa Frederick Golooba-MutebiMakerere University/Future Agricultures Consortium
Policy and governance in Africa’s economic transformation (slides)
March 27, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa Policy and governance in Africa’s economic transformationDavid BoothOverseas Development Institute
Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Nigeria (slides)
March 27, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (1) Aderibigbe S. OlomolaInternational Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Abuja, Nigeria
China and Brazil in African Agriculture: the case of Zimbabwe (slides)
March 27, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement Langton MukwerezaResearch for Development Trust, Harare
Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture The Case of Mozambique (slides)
March 27, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement Sergio ChichavaIESE (Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos), Maputo
Negotiating new relationships: how the Ethiopian state is involving China and Brazil in agriculture
March 27, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement Negotiating new relationships: how the Ethiopian state is involving China and Brazil in agriculture and rural development (slides) Dawit AlemuEthiopian Agricultural Research Institute
Combining political and economic models: An evolutionary CGPE Model
March 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Combining political and economic models: An evolutionary Computable General Political Economy Equilibrium Model (CGPE) Christian Henning and Eva KrampeDepartment of Agricultural Economics, University of Kiel, Germany
The Role of Policy Beliefs and Discourses: A Case Study of NAADS in Uganda
March 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Patience B. RwamigisaMinistry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, UgandaAFRISA, Makerere University, Uganda
Promoting Participatory and Evidence-Based Agricultural Policy Processes in Africa (PEBAP) Overview
March 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Regina BirnerUniversity of Hohenheim
Donors and domestic policy makers: Two worlds in agricultural policy-making?
March 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Jonathan Mockshell and Regina BirnerUniversity of Hohenheim
China and Brazil in Ghanaian Agriculture (slides)
March 27, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement Kojo AmanorInstitute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon
East African agriculture – the Potential and the Prospects (slides)
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa Ton Dietz and Wijnand KlaverAfrican Studies Centre Leiden
African Agriculture – The Potential And The Prospects
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa Full title: African Agriculture – the Potential and the Prospects: Case Studies for Kenya and Tanzania, Exploring a Method of Analysis Ton Dietz and Wijnand KlaverAfrican Studies Centre Leiden
Policy and governance in Africa’s economic transformation
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa David BoothOverseas Development Institute
The succession trap: high growth Africa and the pitfalls of leadership change
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa Tim KelsallDevelopmental Regimes in Africa (DRA) Project
Africa’s economic transformation: Policy and governance
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa David BoothOverseas Development Institute
Policy for development in Africa: Learning from Southeast Asia
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa David Henley University of Leiden, Netherlands Jan Kees van DongeTracking Development Project
Development as a collective action problem
March 18, 2013 / Developmental Regimes in Africa Full title: Development as a collective action problem: Addressing the real challenges of African governance David BoothOverseas Development Institute
The Politics of Revitalising Agriculture in Kenya
March 13, 2013 / Democratisation and the Political Economy Colin PoultonSchool of Oriental and African Studies, London Karuti KanyingaInstitute of Development Studies, University of Nairobi In March 2004 the Kenyan government set out its radical Strategy for Revitalising Agriculture (SRA). Almost a decade on, remarkably little progress has been
South-South Cooperation in Context: Perspectives from Africa
March 11, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 54Kojo Sebastian Amanor This paper examines how liberal economic reforms that permeated and transformed economies during the 1980s and 1990s, both in the emerging BRICS powers themselves as well as in Africa, mediate and influence the relationships
Narratives of China-Africa Cooperation for Agricultural Development: New Paradigms?
March 11, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 53Lila Buckley Normal 0 false false false EN-GB X-NONE X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Current debate is still largely centred on China’s engagement with African agriculture as either a threat or an opportunity. Such debate will not be resolved without
Narratives of Brazil-Africa Cooperation for Agricultural Development: New Paradigms?
March 11, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 51Lídia Cabral and Alex Shankland This paper summarises the findings of a scoping study on Brazilian development cooperation in agriculture in Africa. The study comprised, in the first instance, a review of the relevant literature and interviews
Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Mozambique
March 11, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 49 Sérgio Chichava, Jimena Duran, Lídia Cabral, Alex Shankland, Lila Buckley, Tang Lixia and Zhang Yue The purpose of this paper is to provide an account of the policies, narratives, operational modalities and underlying motivations of Brazilian
Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Ghana
March 10, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 52Kojo Amanor This paper explores the differences in Brazilian and Chinese investments in Ghana. It examines the extent to which the framework of South-South cooperation illuminates or masks these changing relationships and their political economy dimensions. The
Who Gained and Who Lost from Zambia’s 2010 Maize Marketing Policies?
March 10, 2013 / Political Decisions (parallel session) Chewe Nkonde, Nicole M. Mason, Nicholas J. Sitko, and T. S. Jayne Zambia?s record-breaking maize harvest of nearly 2.8 million metric tons (MT) in 2010 is a major achievement and a testimony to what input subsidies, output price incentives, and
The 2011 Surplus in Smallholder Maize Production in Zambia: Drivers, Beneficiaries, and Implications
March 10, 2013 / Political Decisions (parallel session) Full title: The 2011 Surplus in Smallholder Maize Production in Zambia: Drivers, Beneficiaries, and Implications for Agricultural and Poverty Reduction Policies Nicole M. Mason, William J. Burke, Arthur Shipekesa, and T. S. Jayne In 2011, Zambia recorded its second consecutive
The Rising Class of Emergent Farmers
March 10, 2013 / Political Decisions (parallel session) Full title: The Rising Class of Emergent Farmers: An Effective Model for Achieving Agricultural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Africa? Nicholas J. Sitko and T.S. Jayne Seemingly contrary to the expectations of those who see little future in smallholder agriculture,
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy: The Case of Zambia
March 10, 2013 / Political Decisions (parallel session) by Antony Chapoto The global food price crisis of 2007/08 raised fears about the impacts of higher and more volatile food prices for the poor in Zambia. Like in the past, the implementation of the strategies to deal with the
Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Ethiopia
March 10, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 50Dawit Alemu The increased importance of South-South cooperation in rural and agricultural development, and especially the increased role of BRICS countries, has been debated in relation to international development assistance, specifically in terms of (i) the modalities
Chinese and Brazilian Cooperation with African Agriculture: The Case of Zimbabwe
March 10, 2013 / Brazilian and Chinese Engagement FAC Working Paper 48by Langton Mukwereza This report describes the status of agricultural aid and cooperation programmes by Brazil and China in Zimbabwe from three perspectives: A specification for each programme: the actors (governmental or otherwise) and their roles in
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy: An Overview
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (1) Per Pinstrup?AndersenH. E. Babcock Professor of Food, Nutrition and Public Policy, Cornell University.
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Senegal
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (2) Danielle ResnickResearch Fellow, United Nations University–World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU–WIDER)
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Zambia
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (2) Antony ChapotoResearch Fellow, International Food Policy Research Institute
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in South Africa
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (2) Johann F. KirstenProfessor and Head of Dept. Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, University of Pretoria, South Africa
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Malawi
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (2) Blessings ChinsingaAssociate Professor, Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Malawi, Malawi Ephraim ChirwaProfessor, Department of Economics, University of Malawi, Malawi
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Nigeria
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (1) Aderibigbe S. OlomolaSenior Economist/Consultant, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Abuja, Nigeria
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy: Kenya Country Case
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (1) Jonathan NzumaLecturer, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi
The Political Economy of Food Prices: The Case of Ethiopia
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (1) Assefa AdmassiePrincipal Research Fellow at the Ethiopian Economics Association and adjunct Associate Professor at the Addis Ababa University, Department of Economics, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The Political Economy of Food Price Policy: The Case of Egypt
March 8, 2013 / Political Economy of Food Price Policy (1) Ahmed Farouk GhoneimProfessor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University
Mountains of Maize, Persistent Poverty
March 8, 2013 / Political Decisions (parallel session) T.S. Jayne, Nicole Mason, William Burke, Arthur Shipekesa, Antony Chapoto, and Chance Kabaghe The past two years are a tribute to Zambian farmers; they have responded admirably to government efforts to promote maize production. But ironically, rural poverty remains stubbornly
Marie Louise Du Bois – BRICS investment in African agriculture – Friend or Foe
February 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Runner-up entry to the FAC media competition 2013.
Johanna Absalom – Investing in Agriculture
February 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Runner-up entry to the FAC media competition 2013.
Emmanuel Kwablah – Agriculture development that doesn’t hurt
February 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Runner-up entry to the FAC media competition 2013.
George Okore – Agriculture key plank in Kenyan general elections
February 27, 2013 / Other Resources (Political Economy 2013) Runner-up entry to the FAC media competition 2013.