
eventscatdescipThe Future Agricultures Consortium participates in many conferences and workshops. We also watch for important agriculture policy “windows” and report them here.

Latest articles

Seasonality: Timing and Duration of food aid programmes
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonality: Timing and Duration of food aid programmes A case Study from Malawi, 2002-2003 Zoltan Tiba University of Cambridge

Water-bound Geographies of Seasonality Investigating Seasonality, Water, and Wealth in Ethiopia
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Water-bound Geographies of Seasonality Investigating Seasonality, Water, and Wealth in Ethiopia Through the Household Water Economy Approach Lorraine Coulter, Zemede Abebe, Seifu Kebede, Eva Ludi, Belay Zeleke

Soil Fertility Crop Theft: changing rural dimensions and cropping patterns
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Soil Fertility Crop Theft: changing rural dimensions and cropping patterns Linley Chiwona-Karltun Linley.chiwona.karltun@sol.slu.seThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala

Seasonal Neglect? Aseasonality in agricultural projects
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonal Neglect? Aseasonality in agricultural projects Stephen Devereux Richard Longhurst

Seasonality and Social Protection: A Bridge too Far?
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonality and Social Protection: A Bridge too Far? Nicholas Freeland

HEA Model for a Consumption Year
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Rethman – HEA Model for a Consumption Year

Politics of Seasonal Safety Nets in Southern Africa
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Politics of Seasonal Safety Nets in Southern Africa Stephen Devereux Philip White

Making the Links : Responding to Seasonality through Adaptive Social Protection
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Making the Links : Responding to Seasonality through Adaptive Social Protection Mark Davies, Centre for Social Protection, IDS

School Feeding, seasonality and schooling outcomes
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
School Feeding, seasonality and schooling outcomes:A case study from Malawi Carmen Burbano Aulo Gelli

Seasonality, precautionary savings and health uncertainty in Central Kenya
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonality, precautionary savings and health uncertainty in Central Kenya Lydia Ndirangu (KIPPRA, Kenya)

Seasonality and Access to Primary Education
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonality and Access to Primary Education Sierd Hadley

Avoiding seasonal food deprivation in poor countries
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Avoiding seasonal food deprivation in poor countries Richard Strange Editor-in-Chief Food Security School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, UK

An Integrated Intervention Framework for Fighting Seasonal Hunge
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
An Integrated Intervention Framework for Fighting Seasonal Hunger Samuel Hauenstein Swan Bapu Vaitla Stephen Devereux

Seasonality and Profitability of rice value chains for smallholder farmers
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonality and Profitability of rice value chains for smallholder farmers at Nkhate Irrigation Scheme in Southern Malawi Tennyson Magombo, Ruth Magreta, Shamie Zingore University of Malawi, Bunda College of Agriculture and CIAT

Seasonal Poverty, Vulnerability Dimensions And Coping Mechanisms In Developing Asia:
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Seasonal Poverty, Vulnerability Dimensions And Coping Mechanisms In Developing Asia: Policy Implications For Social Protection And Social Justice &Ndash; Case Studies From Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Lao Pdr And Nepal By Neela Mukherjee E Mail: Neelamukherjee@Gmail.ComThis e-mail address is being

The stabilising effect of irrigation on seasonal consumption: evidence from Andhra Pradesh
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
The stabilising effect of irrigation on seasonal consumption: evidence from Andhra Pradesh Edoardo Masset July 2009

Addressing Monga through a collective regional forum response in the northwest of Bangladesh
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Addressing Monga through a collective regional forum response in the northwest of Bangladesh Ahmad Salahuddin, MG Neogi Noel P Magor International Conference on Seasonality 8-10 July, IDS, UK

Adjustment of Short Duration Rice Variety in Rice-Based Cropping Pattern and Agro-Techniques to Miti
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 2
Adjustment of Short Duration Rice Variety in Rice-Based Cropping Pattern and Agro-Techniques to Mitigate Seasonal Food Insecurity (Monga) in Northern Districts of Bangladesh. M.G. Neogi1, Abul Khair2 and S. Samsuzzaman1 1RDRS Bangladesh, Jail Road, Rangpur, Bangladesh. 2Department of Botany, Jahangirnagar

Understanding Seasonality Implications on Quality of Life through the Innovative JCTR Rural Basket
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Understanding Seasonality Implications on Quality of Life through the Innovative JCTR Rural Basket: The Case of Select Rural Areas of Matushi, Saka and Malama of Zambia By Miniva Chibuye (JCTR) In today’s difficult situation, a more exact awareness and a

Seasonal hunger, the 2001-03 famine and the dynamics of HIV in Malawi
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Seasonal hunger, the 2001-03 famine and the dynamics of HIV in Malawi Michael Loevinsohn, PhD Seasonality Revisited International Conference IDS, July 8-10, 2009

Using participatory budgets to investigate farmers’ practices …
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Using participatory budgets to investigate farmers’ practices and the factors influencing them during production seasons in Ghana and Zimbabwe Peter Dorward, Derek Shepherd, Mark Galpin University of Reading

Month of Birth and Children’s Health in India
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Month of Birth and Children’s Health in India Michael Lokshin Sergiy Radyakin Development Economics Research Group The World Bank July 3, 2009

Investigating Seasonality & Poverty Analysis: The 2004/5 Malawi Integrated Household Survey
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Investigating Seasonality Poverty Analysis: The 2004/5 Malawi Integrated Household Survey DRAFT Ephraim Chirwa Andrew Dorward Marcella Vigneri Wadonda Consult University of Malawi School of Oriental African Studies, University of London Overseas Development Institute

Did seasonality of births and deaths decrease or shift during the demographic transition?
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Did seasonality of births and deaths decrease or shift during the demographic transition? Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh Abdur Razzaque Md. Mostafa Kamal Mahfuzur Rahman Peter Kim Streatfield Stan Becker

Conceptualising seasonal financial market failures in rural household models
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Conceptualising seasonal financial market failures in rural household models Andrew Dorward

Seasonal Livelihoods and Rural Migration in China
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Seasonal Livelihoods and Rural Migration in China Shijun Ding, Haitao Wu, Yuping Chen Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China

Seasonality in time use and time
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Seasonality in time use and time poverty in Kenya Lydia Ndirangu and John Omiti KIPPRA

Off farm work in the Peruvian Altiplano: Seasonal and geographic considerations for agriculture…
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Off farm work in the Peruvian Altiplano: Seasonal and geographic considerations for agricultural and development policies Cecilia Turin Rural Sociology Department, University of Missouri, US Institute for Small Sustainable Production, Agrarian University of La Molina, Peru SANREM Project “Adaptation to

Isolated wetlands in the Sahel: key seasonal resources under pressure
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Isolated wetlands in the Sahel: key seasonal resources under pressure Joost Brouwer Brouwer Envir. Agric. Consultancy The Netherlands images Joost Brouwer, Hans Hut, Leo Zwarts

Seasonal Chaos: from risky to uncertain livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Seasonal Chaos: from risky to uncertain livelihoods in rural Zimbabwe Josphat Mushongah and Ian Scoones IDS, Sussex

Food affordability
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Food affordability Brighton, 8th of July 2009 Dealing with seasonal variation of purchasing power and monitoring hunger Save the Children UK

Livelihoods Impact Analysis & Seasonality in Ethiopia
September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited - Day 1
Livelihoods Impact Analysis Seasonality in Ethiopia

September 15, 2010 / University of the Bush
The Future Agricultures Consortium together with the Centre for Social Protection is convening a 3–day conference on Seasonality, to be held on Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th July 2009 at IDS Sussex.

September 15, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited
The Future Agricultures Consortium together with the Centre for Social Protection is convening a 3–day conference on Seasonality, to be held on Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th July 2009 at IDS Sussex.

Can Africa’s Guinea Savannah feed the continent and beyond?
Can Africa’s Guinea Savannah feed the continent and beyond?
July 30, 2010 / Awakening Africa's Sleeping Giant
With continuing strong world prices for agricultural commodities, agriculture researchers met recently in London to examine how African farmers might boost commercial production of crops such as rice and cotton. The workshop goal was to critically examining a recent study

Media Release and Notes
June 7, 2010 / Seasonality Revisited
Media Release (with embargo date of 1 July 2009) – contact 'Seasonal poverty’ is worsening. Climate Change, AIDS and heightened vulnerability identified as main culprits.As seasons across the world appear to become more unpredictable, the impacts of seasonal shocks

Media Release and Notes
June 7, 2010 / University of the Bush
Media Release (with embargo date of 1 July 2009) – contact 'Seasonal poverty’ is worsening. Climate Change, AIDS and heightened vulnerability identified as main culprits.As seasons across the world appear to become more unpredictable, the impacts of seasonal shocks

FAC-Hosted Events
FAC-Hosted Events
May 13, 2010 / Events
FAC co-hosts annual events to highlight key issues related to FAC work in Africa.

Conference Gigiri Naaiap
March 18, 2010 / NAAIAP