Co-operation in the Global South
International Seminar: The role of South-South Cooperation in Agricultural Development in Africa – opportunities and challenges
17 May 2012 – Auditório Carlyle Guerra de Macêdo, OPAS/OMS (WHO), Brasília, Brazil
This seminar discussed current trends and emerging issues in Brazil-Africa co-operation, including:
- co-operation policy and research in food security, inclusive green growth, agricultural growth and sustainable rural development
- China’s agricultural development footprint in Africa
- other opportunities for international co-operation
This invite-only event brought together policymakers, researchers, civil society representatives and private entrepreneurs from Africa, Brazil, China and Europe. It was hosted by the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth in Brasília, and co-organised with the Future Agricultures Consortium, the UK Department for International Development, with support from UN Women, Articulação Sul and Cirad.
This event is part of the Future Agricultures Consortium’s work on China and Brazil in African Agriculture.
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Final Programme
April 20, 2012 / Co-operation in the Global SouthInternational Seminar: The role of South-South Cooperation in Agricultural Development in Africa - opportunities and challenges17 May 2012 Brasília, Brazil Full programme (PDF, 95kb) Speaker biographies (PDF, 135kb) 9:00 Opening Chair: Jorge Chediek, Interim Director, IPCIG, UNDP RC/RRSpeakers: Minister Marco