Conference Publications

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Land policies in East Africa Call for Papers
June 23, 2011 / Conference Publications
Land policies in East Africa: Technological Innovations, Administration and Patrimonial stakes International Conference Kampala, Uganda November 3 – 4 November 2011

Quelle agriculture pour un développement durable de l’Afrique ?
December 1, 2010 / Conference Publications
Le sommet de l’Union Africaine tenu à Maputo en 2003 avait adopté deux résolutions fondamentales en vue de faciliter la réalisation des objectifs du Programme Détaillé de Développement de l’Agriculture en Afrique (PDDAA) et des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le

CEDRES’ international colloquium on “What Agriculture for Sustainable Development in Africa?”
December 1, 2010 / Conference Publications
The African Union summit held in Maputo, Mozambique, in 2003 adopted two key resolutions to facilitate the achievement of the Detailed Program of Agricultural Development in Africa (PDDAA), one of the Millennium Devel-opment Goals.These resolutions aimed to engage and commit

Wiggins – Smallholder Model Paper for How to Feed the World 2050 Meeting
May 13, 2010 / Conference Publications
Despite the achievements of smallholders in Asia during the green revolution, there is scepticism that Africa’s smallholders — who dominate the farm area in most countries — can imitate this model and deliver agricultural growth. This paper assesses whether such

Rainbow revolutions and silver bullets
April 30, 2010 / Conference Publications
Daily updates from Toward a Green Revolution in Africa Day 2: 1 May 2008

Annan sets sights on “uniquely African Green Revolution”
April 30, 2010 / Conference Publications
Daily updates from Toward a Green Revolution in AfricaDay 1 – 30 April 2008

Farmers in the driving seat for Africa’s Green Revolution
April 30, 2010 / Conference Publications
Daily updates from Toward a Green Revolution in Africa Day 3: 2 May 2008

FAC Overview
April 29, 2010 / Conference Publications
In June 2009, John Thompson andDavid Hughes travelled to Ethiopia to attend the Seventh International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy organised by the Ethiopian Economic Association (EEA).  FAC’sSamuel Gabreselassie and colleagues at the Ethiopian Economics Policy Research Institute helped to organise the

Salzburg Global Seminar Report Outline
February 25, 2010 / Conference Publications
How can Africa’s farmers, scientists, development practitioners, private entrepreneurs and public officials, with the support of the international community, spark a Green Revolution in Africa,one that responds to the region’s unique social, political and ecological conditions? That was thechallenge presented

Building a common foundation for fighting seasonal hunger
January 18, 2010 / Conference Publications
Community-based management of acutemalnutrition programs Child growth promotion programs (maternal andchild nutrition, especially from pregnancy to age 3) Seasonal employment programs Social pensions for those unable to work

Africa Forum’s CAADP Reader
December 5, 2009 / Conference Publications
Recognizing that agriculture is the mainstay of most African economies, NEPAD has taken the lead inhighlighting the critical role agriculture must play to reduce food insecurity and poverty. The Com- prehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) has been endorsed by

Lessons from Ethiopia, Kenya and Malawi
June 25, 2009 / Conference Publications
By Amdissa Teshome and Stephen DevereuxJune 25-27, 2009 Ethiopian Economics Association: Seventh International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy.

Kofi Annan: Salzburg Speech Final
April 30, 2009 / Conference Publications
It is wonderful to be here amongst so many friends and colleagues, united in our commitment to end poverty and hunger in Africa. My warm appreciation goes to the Salzburg Global Seminar, and to Edward Mortimer in particular, for organizing

CAADP Review And Partnership Platform Meeting (March 17-20, 2008)
March 17, 2008 / Conference Publications
By Amdissa Teshome The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is an AUC/NEPAD initiative designed to encourage investment in key areas (pillars) that can make the earliest difference to Africa’s agricultural crises. CAADP was adopted by the Head of States