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FAC Land 31 Mar 10
April 6, 2010 / Meetings

The limits of decentralised governance: the case of agriculture in Malawi
March 31, 2010 / Policy Briefs
Policy Brief 33 Decentralisation reforms and the new policy extension in Malawi held the promise of a stronger role for districts and lower levels in agricultural governance and increased plurality of agricultural service providers. Such potential is yet to be

GCARD – The Future of Agricultural Research
GCARD – The Future of Agricultural Research
March 29, 2010 / News
From 28-31 March 2010 the first Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD) 2010 was held in Montpellier, France. GCARD is organized by GFAR in collaboration with the Consortium and Independent Science and Partnership Council (now being formed) of

Opportunities for FAC to engage with CAADP Process
March 26, 2010 / CAADP
Following the 3rd CAADP review and partnership platform meeting, March 2008, four engagement opportunities for Future Agricultures in the CAADP process were identified. Engagement Opportunity No. 1: Emphasis on farmer organizations is a potential area for Future Agricultures contribution to

Future Agricultures in Kenya
Future Agricultures in Kenya
March 26, 2010 / Meetings
By John Omiti Cross-country co-ordination issues Commercialization – Gem Arwings Kodhek / Steve Wiggins Social Protection – Lydia Ndirangu/ Stephen DevereuxCountry co-ordination – John Omiti / John Thompson

Building a common foundation for fighting seasonal hunger
Building a common foundation for fighting seasonal hunger
March 26, 2010 / Miscelleanous
Community-based management of acute malnutrition programs Child growth promotion programs (maternal and child nutrition, especially from pregnancy to age 3) Seasonal employment programs Social pensions for those unable to work A “minimum essential package” for fighting seasonal hunger, How much

Seasonality and High Food Prices: a  Double  Challenge
Seasonality and High Food Prices: a Double Challenge
March 26, 2010 / Miscelleanous
1. Seasonal hunger is predictable, can be understood and there are tested solutions 2. What happens during seasonal hunger and what happens in famine differs only in severity – Sequencing of coping remains largely the same 3. Moreover the link

What is CAADP?
March 25, 2010 / FAC blog
An outcome of the 2003 Maputo Declaration CAADP is based on two overarching principles: The pursuit of six percent average annual growth in the agricultural sector at national level; and, Allocation of ten percent of national budgets to agriculture. A

What is CAADP?
What is CAADP?
March 25, 2010 / Ghana
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is the most ambitious and comprehensive agricultural reform effort ever undertaken in Africa. An initiative of the African Union (AU) and New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), it represents a fundamental shift toward

What is CAADP?
What is CAADP?
March 25, 2010 / FAC blog
The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) is the most ambitious and comprehensive agricultural reform effort ever undertaken in Africa. An initiative of the African Union (AU) and New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), it represents a fundamental shift toward

ReSAKKS Conference
ReSAKKS Conference
March 25, 2010 / FAC blog
The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) Africa-wide conference, Agriculture-led Development for Africa: Exploring New Opportunities and Strategic Alternatives to Inform African Agricultural Development, Planning and Policy took place November 23-24, 2009 at the headquarters of the United

ReSAKSS – Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System
ReSAKSS – Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System
March 23, 2010 / CAADP
The Regional Strategic Analysis and Knowledge Support System (ReSAKSS) is an Africa-wide network established to provide readily available analysis, data, and tools of the highest quality. It promotes evidence-based decision-making, improves awareness of the role of agriculture for development in

Women and Girls: Farmers of the Future?
Women and Girls: Farmers of the Future?
March 19, 2010 / Young People & Agrifood
In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in the role of women in agriculture.  It has long been recognised that women perform a substantial part of the labour on family farms, particularly on food crops.  Greater levels

Women and Girls: Farmers of the Future?
Women and Girls: Farmers of the Future?
March 19, 2010 / Young People & Agrifood
In recent years there has been a resurgence of interest in the role of women in agriculture.  It has long been recognised that women perform a substantial part of the labour on family farms, particularly on food crops.  Greater levels

Youth Aspirations and Expectations
March 19, 2010 / Young People & Agrifood
FAC Future Farmers has launched a programme of research on youth aspirations for 2010-11. African rural youth have experienced significant changes in their economic, social and cultural contexts over the past few decades. Globalisation, urbanisation and migration, as well as

Youth Aspirations and Expectations
March 19, 2010 / Young People & Agrifood
FAC Future Farmers has launched a programme of research on youth aspirations for 2010-11. African rural youth have experienced significant changes in their economic, social and cultural contexts over the past few decades. Globalisation, urbanisation and migration, as well as