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January 28, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing
Globally, powerful transnational actors are tapping into lands outside their own borders to provide sufficient food and energy security at home. The original North-South dynamic to this 'global land grab' is developing into a North-South-South dynamic with economically powerful non-Northern

Notes from the University of the Bush
January 18, 2011 / Workshop Publications
This report records the discussions that took place at the University of the Bush. The words have been edited for clarity and brevity only. The views expressed in this report do not necessarily reflect those of Pastoralist Shade Initiative, Pastoralist

Researchers discuss pastoralist innovation: Video
Researchers discuss pastoralist innovation: Video
January 12, 2011 / Pastoralism
FAC Researchers speak about pastoral innovation after presenting five research findings at FAC's University of the Bush in November 2010.  

Delegates discuss global land grabbing
Delegates discuss global land grabbing
January 12, 2011 / International Conference on Global Land Grabbing
Plenary presentations and delegate reflections on global land grabs.

Delegates discuss the future of pastoralism
Delegates discuss the future of pastoralism
January 12, 2011 / Future of Pastoralism
Plenary presentations and delegates reflections on pastoralism's future.

Alternative perspectives on land grabbing and biofuels:
January 4, 2011 / News
This presentation identifies three contrasting narratives which define the current debate about ‘land grabbing’ and biofuels: a techno-optimist position, an administrativemanagerial position and a localist-environmental position. Each suggests different responses to the growing phenomenon of large-scale land deals for biofuels.

January 4, 2011 / News
Available evidence on its scale and character and insights of relevance to policy makers Ruth Hall Senior researcher, PLAAS Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies University of the Western Cape, South Africa

FAC presents at FAO Food Security World Committee session
FAC presents at FAO Food Security World Committee session
January 4, 2011 / Land
FAC presented its land research at a FAO Food Security World Committee session together with other research on key 'land grab' issues to show how these issues are linked to government policies, like 'Responsible Agricultural Investment' (RAI) during a Transnational Institute side event to the Rome summit.

HOT TOPIC: Agribusiness, FAC and young people
January 4, 2011 / Young People & Agrifood
Many researchers and development professionals with an interest in poverty, agriculture and rural areas in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) view agribusiness with suspicion. For them, agribusiness is synonymous with big business, transnational corporations, globalisation, international capital, export crops and large-scale plantations.

Agribusiness, FAC and young people
January 4, 2011 / FAC blog
There is of course another view. Those who see technology, inputs and engagement with new markets as critical for the enhancement of agricultural productivity in SSA tend to look differently upon the potential contribution of agribusiness. Indeed, from their perspective,

Land grabbing in Africa
Land grabbing in Africa
January 4, 2011 / Land
The FAC land theme contributed to an event at the FAO in Rome in advance of the critical debate by the FAO World Food Security Committee session on land grabbing. Hosted by civil society organisations, including the Transnational Institute and

University of the Bush: Seminar 2
University of the Bush: Seminar 2
January 4, 2011 / Pastoralism
The second in the series of seminars known as the ‘University of the Bush’ took place at Malka Bisan Adi near Kinna, Kenya, on 22-24 November 2010. Around 50 pastoralists attended from across Kenya and southern Ethiopia. They were joined

The political economy of seed systems
The political economy of seed systems
January 4, 2011 / Science, Technology and Innovation
Huge expectations exist around the prospects of a new Green Revolution for Africa. Major investments have been made in supporting a science-led revolution in crop production, hoping that this will transform Africa’s fortunes. Institutions such as the Alliance for a

Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant
Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant
January 4, 2011 / Policy Processes
FAC’s conference held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London, on 21-22 June 2010, focused on the findings of the World Bank’s Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant report. This influential document argues that a huge area, defined broadly as

FAC Early Career Fellowship Application 2011
January 3, 2011 / Early Career Fellowship Programme
Complete this application form and submit to Only complete applications in MS Word format will be reviewed and must include details in all form fields including: personal history; proposed area of research; institutional affiliation; and FAC theme and organisation/member

Call for Applications – January 2011
January 3, 2011 / Early Career Fellowship Programme
Application details The Future Agricultures Consortium (FAC) aims to encourage critical debate and policy dialogue on the future of agriculture in Africa. Founded in 2005, the Consortium is a partnership between leading research-based organisations in Africa and the UK, with

Ethiopian Ministry interview with FAC
Ethiopian Ministry interview with FAC
December 30, 2010 / Growth and Social Protection
Advancing the Social Protection Agenda in Ethiopia: an interview with the Ministry of Labour & Social Affairs (MoLSA) Quarterly Bulletin MoLSA: Just for our readers understanding, what does social protection mean? Amdissa: Support given to citizens that are vulnerable to

Ouagadougou colloquium closes
December 8, 2010 / FAC blog
FAC’s Jim Sumberg presented research on Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) programs and their link with social protection measures. This research is available in FAC Working Paper. FAC was also part of a colloquium delegation invited to meet with the

What agriculture? Two hundred agriculture researchers search for an answer
December 8, 2010 / FAC blog
Much of the research is presently underway by institutions that are investing in important agriculture issues like increased production and market liberalisation, climate change adaptation, local food consumption, the continent’s important and growing middle class, agricultural technologies  and the role

Couplage entre Développement Agricole et Alimentation Scolaire en Afrique Subsaharienne : Une Pers
December 6, 2010 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Ce document prend comme point de départ la proposition selon laquelle les interventions de protection sociale liées à l’alimentation peuvent être mises à profit pour promouvoir un changement transformationnel des systèmes d’exploitation agricole à caractère familial en Afrique subsaharienne. Il

Range enclosures in southern Oromia, Ethiopia: an innovative response or erosion in common property
December 3, 2010 / Research Update
Research Update By Bokutache DidaFAC Pastoralist Theme, November 2010 In the pastoralist livelihood, the most important change is physical fencing of areas – but reserving a section of rangeland for later use has always been an integral part of the

Camel Marketing in the Northern Kenya/Southern Ethiopia Borderlands
December 3, 2010 / Research Update
Research Update By Hussein Abdullahi Mahmoud (Pwani University College, Kilifi, Kenya)FAC Pastoralist Theme, November 2010 No camel movements were recorded to major Garissa livestock clients, such as Nairobi, Mombasa, Thika, and Mwingi towns – all go to Moyale, Ethiopia. Instead, a

Town Camels and Milk Villages: the growth of camel milk marketing in the Somali Region of Ethiopia
December 3, 2010 / Research Update
Research Update By Abdi Abdullahi Hussein FAC Pastoralist Theme, November 2010 Recently, the growth of small towns in the Somali region of Ethiopia has spread to pastoralists seeking ties to important new markets Camels are the most important signifier of wealth

Pastoral Innovations and Changing Political Economy of The Orma Pastoralists,Tana Delta, Kenya
December 3, 2010 / Research Update
Research Update By Abdirizak A. Nunow (Moi University, School of Environmental Studies, Eldoret, Kenya, and Inter-Parliamentary Union of IGAD (IPU-IGAD), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) FAC Pastoralist Theme, November 2010 Huge tracts of land in the Tana Delta, critical pasture resources for the

Innovation and Distress: Managing Multiple Uncertainties in Laikipia, Kenya
December 3, 2010 / Research Update
Research Update By Jeremy Lind (Institute of Development Studies, Sussex) and John Letai (Oxfam GB Regional Office, Nairobi)FAC Pastoralist Theme, November 2010 Pastoralism researchers analyse coping innovations during the 2009 drought that pushed Maasai herders to Mount Kenya. Despite previous brittle

Quelle agriculture pour un développement durable de l’Afrique ?
December 1, 2010 / Conference Publications
Le sommet de l’Union Africaine tenu à Maputo en 2003 avait adopté deux résolutions fondamentales en vue de faciliter la réalisation des objectifs du Programme Détaillé de Développement de l’Agriculture en Afrique (PDDAA) et des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le

CEDRES’ international colloquium on “What Agriculture for Sustainable Development in Africa?”
December 1, 2010 / Conference Publications
The African Union summit held in Maputo, Mozambique, in 2003 adopted two key resolutions to facilitate the achievement of the Detailed Program of Agricultural Development in Africa (PDDAA), one of the Millennium Devel-opment Goals.These resolutions aimed to engage and commit

Biosafety regulation in Kenya
Biosafety regulation in Kenya
November 17, 2010 / FAC blog
Background to the workshop Debates about transgenic crops have become highly polarised across the globe. In the process, civil society organisations and social movements have played an important role, alongside governmental and ‘expert’ science institutions, in debates about agricultural biotechnology.

Biosafety regulation in Kenya
Biosafety regulation in Kenya
November 17, 2010 / News
For two days, leading Kenyan biosafety stakeholders met in Nairobi to advance discussions about Kenya’s biosafety bill, just as implementing regulations are being developed and the involvement of stakeholders is critical. Organised by the STEPS Centre, the Centre for Africa

Creating New Markets via Smallholder Irrigation: The Case of Irrigation-led Smallholder…
November 1, 2010 / Working Papers
Creating New Markets via Smallholder Irrigation: The Case of Irrigation-led Smallholder Commercialization in Lume District, Ethiopia By Samuel Gebreselassie June 2010 Following the 2008 global food crises, the agricultural development agenda has gained renewed international attention. Though this observed price

EU Cooperation for Agricultural Development in Africa is Vital to Millions of People: Insights from the Launch of the Montpellier Panel Report.
October 28, 2010 / FAC blog
In SSA the average annual growth in agriculture has been over 3% for the period 2000-2008. Despite this momentum, hunger and poverty are still a great problem, with more than 200 million Africans chronically malnourished. The need for international cooperation

Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
Global Conference on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
October 28, 2010 / Climate Change
FAC side event at the Global Conference on Food Security, Agriculture and Climate Change. The Hague, The Netherlands, 1st November 2010 The Hague conference was among the first major international conferences linking agriculture, food security and climate change, and was

Is Agriculture the Key to Development?
Is Agriculture the Key to Development?
October 27, 2010 / FAC blog
There is much truth in these arguments. Poverty and lack of entitlements are the fundamental causes of hunger, and we would do well to remember that. Rural poverty is more widespread and deeper than urban poverty, and exits from farming

Is Agriculture the Key to Development?
Is Agriculture the Key to Development?
October 27, 2010 / FAC blog
There is much truth in these arguments. Poverty and lack of entitlements are the fundamental causes of hunger, and we would do well to remember that. Rural poverty is more widespread and deeper than urban poverty, and exits from farming

New Initiative Investigates New Pastoralist Peace Management
New Initiative Investigates New Pastoralist Peace Management
October 21, 2010 / University of the Bush
Pastoralist News from the Pastoralist Communication Initiative ( The Pastoralist Shade Initiative have embarked on the fieldwork component of their review of innovations in peace and security. They are focussing on the recent peace process between the Gabra and Borana

“Making the Most of Kenya’s New Constitution”
“Making the Most of Kenya’s New Constitution”
October 21, 2010 / University of the Bush
"Latest News" from the Pastoralist Communication Initiative ( University of the Bush Seminar Two to take place in NovemberAcross Kenya pastoralists are talking about the new constitution voted by the Kenya parliament in August 2010. Devolution of power to the

CSAE Conference 2011
CSAE Conference 2011
October 20, 2010 / Events
The Centre for the Study of African Economies Conference 2011 on Economic Development in Africa will be held at St Catherine's College, Oxford, 20-22 March 2011.The CSAE is celebrating its 25th anniversary during 2011 and are planning to expand the

The Future of Pastoralism in Africa
The Future of Pastoralism in Africa
October 18, 2010 / Pastoralism
An international conference to debate the future of pastoralists in Africa, 21-23 March 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia The future of pastoralism in Africa is uncertain and radical changes are affecting Pastoralist areas in terms of access to resources, options for

2010 ECFP recipients
October 18, 2010 / FAC blog
  Leocardia Nabwire Uganda   Conrad Murendo Zimbabwe   Yasin Salah Kenya   Maru Bekele Ethiopia   Nancy Laibuni Kenya   Delight Moyo Zimbabwe   Jimah Kipo Ghana   Clare Delpeuch France   Opportuna Kweka Tanzania

Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant: Agricultural Development in the Guinea Savannah
October 18, 2010 / Awakening Africa's Sleeping Giant
By Ian Scoones, FAC Co-coordinator A fascinating FAC workshop has just finished hosted by FAC partner, SOAS, focusing on the World Bank’s Awakening Africa’s Sleeping Giant report. This argues that a huge area, defined as the ‘Guinea savannah’, stretching across

What Agriculture for Sustainable Development in Africa?
What Agriculture for Sustainable Development in Africa?
October 15, 2010 / Events
CEDRES' international colloquium on December 6-8, 2010 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. The Future Agricultures Consortium is co-sponsoring an international scientific symposium on ‘What Agriculture for Sustainable Development in Africa?’ in Ouagadoudou, Burkina Faso, on 06-08 December 2010. The event will

University of the Bush
University of the Bush
October 6, 2010 / University of the Bush
When: November 22 – 24,  2010 Where: Kinna, Isiolo District, KENYA All across northern Kenya pastroralists are talking about the new constitution voted by the Kenya Parliament in August 2010. Devolution of power to the new county system could mean

LDPI Small Grant Recipients – 2010
LDPI Small Grant Recipients – 2010
October 6, 2010 / Land
The Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI) is a network initiated by five university-based research institutions with the purpose of promoting 'engaged research' on the recent explosion of (trans) national commercial and corporation-driven land transactions. In-depth and systematic enquiry has become

The Malawi Agricultural Input Subsidy Programme: Lessons from Research Findings, 2005 – 2008
October 5, 2010 / Policy Briefs
Ephraim W. Chirwa, Victor Mhoni, Richard Kachule, Blessings Chinsinga, Edson Musopole, Beatrice Makwenda, Connex Masankhidwe, Willie Kalumula and Chrispin Kankangadza January 2010 Maize, the main staple crop remains the dominant crop among smallholder farmers in Malawi. Smallholder farmers devote almost

Future Farmers: Youth Aspirations, Expectations and Life Choices
October 4, 2010 / Discussion Papers
Jennifer Leavy and Sally Smith June 2010 Young people constitute a high and increasing proportion of the African population, with around 70 percent of the continent’s total population currently under the age of 30. Evidence suggests many young people are

Will wheat prices spike again?
October 4, 2010 / FAC blog
The grain trade reacted strongly: spot prices are up by US$50 a tonne in a month, and by US$70 a tonne for some export wheats. These increases are the fastest seen since, says the FT, 1973. That year saw the

Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in Climate Risk Management in Kenya: Policy Perspectives
October 1, 2010 / FAC Roundtable on Climate Change
Paul M. GuthigaKIPPRA Roundtable meeting on policy processes on climate change and agriculture 30 September 2010 -Fairview Hotel, Nairobi