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Panel 24: POLITICAL ECONOMY – Partnerships and Business Models
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Faced with ongoing challenges of rural poverty and the need to promote national economic development, African governments in particular are looking for new ways to promote external investment in agriculture, increasingly in the form of commercial partnerships with local communities.

PANEL 25: GOVERNANCE – Restructuring the State II
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
This is the second in a two-panel series (See Panel 19 for first part) . In the series, presenters focus on the relationship between large-scale land grabs and modern forms, ideas or manifestations of the State.

Panel 26: POLITICS – Resistance and Mobilization I
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Global land grabbing is politically contested process, partly explaining for its uneven outcomes from one setting to another. The political contestations around land grabbing vary in character, actors, agendas, forms, ideology, politics and trajectory. This panel (one of the two

Panel 27: OVERVIEW – Land grabbing and land titling
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Global land grabbing is often associated with institutional processes around formal land titling, either a precondition for the land deals or a result of land deals. This panel will critically examine multiple linkages between land titling on the one hand

Panel 28: LIVELIHOODS – Biofuels and Livelihoods
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Salient discourses and narratives justify biofuel related interventions in terms of the economic development of "waste" or "idle" lands, alternative energy and climate change. These exist alongside counter- narratives that project a dire food security crisis related to biofuel development.

PANEL 29: ENVIRONMENT – Ecologies of Dispossession
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Presenters focus on the way in which land grabs re-shape ecological conditions and functions in various places as well as the way in which notions of the Environment shapes global discourses and structures of land use. All of the papers

Panel 30: POLITICAL ECONOMY – Dragon in a Three Piece Suit: China Invests
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Focussing on Chinese investment in land and agriculture, the panelists suggest that widespread investment in land from China is relatively new and potentially distinct from investments made by other actors.

Panel 31: GOVERNANCE – Community consultation and free prior informed consent
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
"Free, prior and informed consent" is an international standard against which community consultation processes regarding land-based investment can be based. This panel explores questions about these notions, with reference to experiences in several countries including (nearly independent) Southern Sudan.

Panel 32: POLITICS – Resistance and Mobilization II
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Global land grabbing is politically contested process, partly explaining for its uneven outcomes from one setting to another. The political contestations around land grabbing vary in character, actors, agendas, forms, ideology, politics and trajectory. This panel (one of the two

Opening Session
April 14, 2011 / Land Grab Panel Outputs
Welcome by Lawrence Haddad, Director of Institute of Development Studies  and keynote address by Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. Followed by a plenary discussion: defining the big questions for the conference.

Markus Zander and Jochen Dürr??????
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Dynamics in land tenure, local power and the peasant economy: the case of south-east Petén, Guatemala

Ye Jingzhong and Wang Chunyu?
April 13, 2011 / News
Mining and Land in North China:politics and livelihoods

Megan Ybarra?
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Taming the Jungle, Saving the Maya ForestThe Military’s Role in Guatemalan Conservation

Ward Anseeuw, Antoine Ducastel and Jean-Jacques Gabas?
April 13, 2011 / News
The end of the African peasant?From investment funds and Finance-Value-Chains to questions about the African peasant

Oane Visser and Natalia Mamonova?
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Land Deals in Russian Agriculture: Exploring investors land acquisition strategies

Tom Lavers
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – The role of foreign investment in Ethiopia’s smallholder-focused agricultural development strategy

Dr. Kyla Tienhaara & Dr. Wynet Smith
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Negotiating Carbon Concessions in Developing Countries: Issues of Capacity, Confidentiality & Corruption

Thea Hilhorst, Joost Nelen, Nata Traoré
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Agrarian change under the radar screenRising farmland acquisitions by domestic investors in West Africa Results from a survey in Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger

Tania Salerno
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation  – Transnational Land Deals in Mindanao: Situating Ambivalent Farmer Responses in Local Politics

Takeshi Ito, NoerFauziRachman, Laksmi Adriani Savitri
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Naturalizing land dispossession: A policy discourse analysis of the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate (MIFEE) Papau, Indonesia

Max Spoor? and Oane Visser
April 13, 2011 / News
Presentation – Land Grabbing in Former Soviet Eurasia

Laura Silva Castañeda?
April 13, 2011 / News
Certification dispositifsand land conflicts:the case of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Thomas Sikor?
April 13, 2011 / News
Global enclosures? Exploring the dynamics of forest-based climate mitigation

April 13, 2011 / News
Resistance to accumulation by dispossession: Struggles for land by the poor peasantry in rural Bangladesh

Sérgio Sauer
April 13, 2011 / News
Agrarian structure, foreign land ownership, and land value in Brazil

Rosanne Rutten & Gerben Nooteboom
April 13, 2011 / News
GulfState Investments in Indonesiaand The Philippines

April 13, 2011 / News

Ritu Verma
April 13, 2011 / News
The ‘New’ Politics of Land and Development: Experiences of Dispossession, Social/Gender Equity and Environmental Sustainability in East & Southern Africa

April 13, 2011 / News
SEZ’s in India : Special Reference to Polepally

Randi Kaarhus
April 13, 2011 / News
Agricultural growth corridors equals Land Grabbing? Models, roles, and accountibilities in a Mozambican case

Rachel Nalepa??
April 13, 2011 / News
Aquestion of scale: the construction of marginal lands and the limitations of global land classifications

Philip McMichael?
April 13, 2011 / News
The food regime in the land grab

Philip Hirsch
April 13, 2011 / News
Titling against grabbing? Critiques and conundrums around land formalisation in Southeast Asia

Perrine Burnod, Mathilde Gingembre, Rivo Andrianirina-Ratsialonana, Raphael Ratovoarinony???????
April 13, 2011 / News
From International Land Deals to Local Informal Agreements in Madagascar: Regulations of and Local Reactions to Agricultural Investments

Paulette Nonfodji???
April 13, 2011 / News
China’s Farmland Rush in Benin: Towards a Win-Win Economic Model?

Patience Mutopo?
April 13, 2011 / News
Gendered Realities: Bio fuel Production and the Politics of Displacement after land reform in Zimbabwe

P Woodhouse and AS Ganho?
April 13, 2011 / News
Is Water the Hidden Agenda of Agricultural LandAcquisition in Sub-Saharan Africa?

L. T. Oliveira???
April 13, 2011 / News
Land Regularization in Brazil and the Global Land Grab: A State-making Framework for Analysis

Melanie Sommerville ???
April 13, 2011 / News
First Nations, Marginalization and Agro-Investments in Canada: The Case of One Earth Farms

NC Davis and E Lahiff???
April 13, 2011 / News
Joint ventures in South Africa’s land reform programme: strategic partnerships or strategic resource grab?

Michael Dwyer
April 13, 2011 / News
Building the politics machine Tools for resolving the global land grab

Melissa Leach, James Fairhead and James Fraser?
April 13, 2011 / News
Land Grabs for Biochar? Narratives and Counter Narratives in Africa’s Emerging Biogenic Carbon Sequestration Economy

Mateo Mier y Terán G.C.?
April 13, 2011 / News
Strengths and limitations of the Round Table for Responsible Soy –RTRS in Mato Grosso, Brazil

Maru Shete?
April 13, 2011 / News
Implications of land deals to livelihood security & natural resources management in Benshanguel Gumuz Regional State, Ethiopia

?Martina Locher
April 13, 2011 / News
„How come others are selling our land?“ –Customary Land Rights, Rural Livelihoods and Foreign Land Acquisition in the Case of a UK-based Forestry Company in Tanzania

Martin Keulertz?
April 13, 2011 / News
The New Geopolitics of Virtual Water in East Africa

Mark Maughan
April 13, 2011 / News
Land grab and oil palm in Colombia

Marcel Rutten
April 13, 2011 / News

Samuel B. Mabikke?
April 13, 2011 / News
Escalating Land GrabbingIn Post-conflict Regions ofNorthern Uganda A Need forStrengthening Good LandGovernance in Acholi Region

Liz Alden Wily?
April 13, 2011 / News
Nothing New Under the Sun or a New Battle Joined?AfricanLand Dispossession in the Global Land Rush