December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Cette étude de cas souligne l’importance du contexte politique dans les questions de développement agricole. Quels que soient les arguments techniques ou économiques pour ou contre telle ou telle autre approche dans l’élaboration des programmes, la configuration des intérêts politiques
December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Le risque et la vulnérabilité sont des facteurs importants dans l’enfermement des populations rurales pauvres dans leur situation de pauvreté. Les politiques de développement agricole et de protection sociale peuvent toutes deux contribuer à une croissance qui bénéficiera aux populations
December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Différents « narratifs » -ou récits- en matière de politique agricole sont mis en exergue par les différents acteurs du processus d’élaboration des politiques, chacun d’entre eux envisageant un type particulier de ministère de l’Agriculture. On peut à ce titre
December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Le Malawi est l’un des pays les plus pauvres au monde, avec un produit intérieur brut de 190 USD par habitant et des taux de malnutrition et de mortalité infantiles élevés. Plus de la moitié de la population vit en
December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Les arbitrages à réaliser entre croissance et réduction de la pauvreté et la définition du rôle de l’agriculture sont des enjeux majeurs dans les débats contemporains sur l’avenir des agricultures en Afrique. Ce débat a cours depuis longtemps en Éthiopie,
December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
L’approche orthodoxe consiste aujourd’hui à envisager le problème de la petite agriculture en Éthiopie strictement sous l’angle des questions techniques et des ressources. Selon cette perspective, le problème central est le faible niveau de productivité agricole. En réponse, le gouvernement
December 2, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
L’Éthiopie est en situation de déficit alimentaire structurel depuis au moins 1980. Elle est aujourd’hui le pays le plus dépendant au monde en matière d’aide alimentaire. Entre 1990 et 1999, l’Éthiopie a reçu 795 000 tonnes d’aide alimentaire par an,
November 30, 2011 / Books
Seasonality is a severe constraint to sustainable rural livelihoods and a driver of poverty and hunger, particularly in the tropics. Many poor people in developing countries are ill equipped to cope with seasonal variations which can lead to drought or
November 29, 2011 / Policy Briefs
A new policy brief explores what role local farmers’ knowledge can play in national climate change adaption policy, and how each can learn from the other? As delegates meet at the 17th Conference of the Parties on climate change in
November 29, 2011 / Policy Briefs
Agriculture and Climate Change in the UN Climate Change Negotiations In a new policy brief for Future Agricultures Merylyn Hedger takes a critical look at the agricultural agenda in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to unscramble the
November 28, 2011 / Policy Briefs
Policy Brief 43 by Merylyn Hedger Agriculture is both victim and villain in respect of climate change. Victim because most estimates indicate that climate change is likely to reduce agricultural productivity, production stability and incomes in some areas that already
November 28, 2011 / Policy Briefs
Policy Brief 42 by Andrew Newsham, Lars Otto Naess and Paul Guthiga One major policy challenge for the agricultural sector is to make sure that lessons from farmers’ knowledge and experience are informing emerging climate change policy processes. This briefing
November 14, 2011 / Pathways to Commercialisation
By Dr Samuel Gebreselassie Two international conferences held recently in Addis Ababa emphasised that markets and agricultural productivity are key in lifting Africa’s small farmers out of poverty by sustaining and accelerating the growth in Africa observed over the past
October 24, 2011 / FAC blog
During the last decade the language of evidence-based policy began to permeate the world of African agricultural policy. At its best the evidence-based policy movement encourages us to think critically about the nature of evidence and the ‘evidence base(s)’, and
October 17, 2011 / FAC projects
In-depth and systematic enquiry has become urgent and necessary in order to have deeper, meaningful and productive debates around this issue. This is the reason why the Land Deal Politics Initiative (LDPI) has been launched and had sponsored last year
October 17, 2011 / FAC blog
Land is the basic livelihood resource for a growing number of increasingly poor proportions of Africa’s population. The resource provides the livelihood base, identity and is a contentious socio-political asset. Lately the land resource in Africa has come under increasing
October 10, 2011 / Briefings politiques / Policy briefs in French
Point Info 036 | Juin 2010 Le Future Agricultures Consortium a pour objectif de susciter des débats critiques et d’encourager le dialogue sur les politiques à conduire pour assurer l’avenir de l’agriculture en Afrique. Le Consortium est un partenariat entre
October 4, 2011 / Early Career Fellowship Programme
The Early Career Fellowship Programme is a capacity building initiative for the next generation of researchers working on issues of agriculture policy research. The programme focuses on early career professionals who have recently graduated from post-graduate studies and are starting on their
September 27, 2011 / Land
26 September 2011 - Ian Scoones Zimbabwe's political crisis continues with political parties' internal divides exposed by Wikileaks revelations, the coalition government at loggerheads on fundamental issues and the prospect of a violent election period in the coming year. Yet
September 21, 2011 / News
Engaging the youth in future agricultural developments in Africa will take centre stage at Food, Agricultural and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) Annual Regional Food Security Policy Dialogue in Swaziland. “The time is now to ensure that the youth
September 19, 2011 / Working Papers
Rachel Sabates-Wheeler and Stephen Devereux August 2011 It is frequently claimed that the most innovative feature of social protection, in contrast to safety nets, is that it has the potential to reduce the vulnerability of poor people to the extent
September 5, 2011 / Working Papers
Dolf te Lintelo August 2011 The rapid and sustained increase in the number of young people in the global south is one of today’s most significant demographic trends. Around 90 percent of young people reside in developing countries (Shankar 2010).
September 5, 2011 / Working Papers
James Sumberg, Gountiéni Damien Lankoandé August 2011 The imagery of movement is deeply engrained in development discourse, and particularly in relation to poverty: we commonly talk, for example, of people moving ‘out of poverty’ or ‘up the asset ladder’. Nevertheless,
August 31, 2011 / News
This short film from the STEPS Centre brings together an engaging cast of characters including a farmer, a scientist, a regulator and a seed policy analyst. Each has a different view about how best to secure seeds for farmers growing
August 29, 2011 / Workshops
September 15?16th, 2011, Nanyuki. FAC in partnership with Desert Edge, a bio-trading company improving access to fair and sustainable markets for the pastoral communities and other residents of drylands will convene a two-day workshop in Laikipia, Kenya to reflect on
August 11, 2011 / Early Career Fellowship Programme
The early career fellowship programme was launched by FAC in 2010 to nurture the careers of the next generation of researchers working on the future of agriculture in Africa. The fellowship programme, now in its second round is so far
August 1, 2011 / Research Papers
Claire Delpeuch and Colin Poulton Research Paper 22 This paper discusses the estimation methods used in Anderson and Masters (2009) to calculate nominal rates of assistance (NRAs) for cotton and other traditional export cash crops in sub- Saharan Africa (SSA)
July 26, 2011 / Ethiopia
The just concluded 9th international conference convened by the Ethiopian Economic Association in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia brought together over 500 experts from different regions to debate on imminent issues affecting the economy of the country.
July 21, 2011 / Social Relations Analysis E-Debate
What are the pathways for linking outcomes of social relations analysis with the productivity and production outcomes of interest to policy?
July 21, 2011 / Social Relations Analysis E-Debate
How do different kinds of households and wider kin groups incorporate terms of land access into their short and long term livelihood strategies, and what are the implications of this for land policy?
July 21, 2011 / Social Relations Analysis E-Debate
What are the likely policy implications of the understanding that men and women take their joint concerns about household survival into consideration when assessing the trade-offs between e.g. investing in land improvements and engaging in off farm opportunities and other
July 20, 2011 / Social Relations Analysis E-Debate
How has the social construction of different groups e.g. women as vulnerable, responsible for household food security, and without agency or power, affected their opportunities to contribute to and/or benefit from mainstream agricultural policy?
July 19, 2011 / Events
The project ‘Large-scale land acquisition and sustainable development’ in collaboration with the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, calls for tabstracts for a special issue on ‘Ethical Aspects of Large-scale Land Acquisition in Developing Countries’, to be published in 2012-2013:
July 15, 2011 / Workshop Publications
Towards a Uniquely African ‘Green Revolution’ Some Reflections on Key Issues and Priority Themes Emerging from the International Conference Dr John Thompson Presentation for the International Seminar on A ‘Green Revolution’ in Africa: What Framework for Success? Salzburg Global Seminar, Salzburg, Austria 30 April – 2
July 14, 2011 / News
Issue: No. 7 July 2011 Issue: No. 7 , July 2011 Africa’s Green Revolution: FAC research on the politics of seeds and seed systems in Africa Young People, Farming & Food: An international conference on the future of the agrifood sector in Africa Global Land Grabbing FAC co-hosts successful international
July 14, 2011 / FAC Roundtable on Climate Change
Climate change, agriculture and policy processes in Ethiopia: A Roundtable Discussion Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa 11 November 2010
July 14, 2011 / FAC Roundtable on Climate Change
Climate Change and Policy Process in Ethiopia. A Roundtable Discussion, November 11, 2010, Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa
July 14, 2011 / FAC Roundtable on Climate Change
Fikadu Getachew (Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR)/Melkassa Agricultural Research Centre (MARC)) Presented at: Climate change, agriculture and policy processes in Ethiopia: A Roundtable Discussion Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa 11 November 2010
July 14, 2011 / FAC Roundtable on Climate Change
Berhanu Adenew (Senior Research Fellow, Ethiopian Economics Association) Climate Change and Policy Process in Ethiopia A Roundtable Discussion, Presented at: Climate change, agriculture and policy processes in Ethiopia: A Roundtable Discussion Ghion Hotel, Addis Ababa 11 November 2010 Climate change, agriculture and
July 14, 2011 / Events
The Salzburg Global Seminar, in cooperation with the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development with support from the Belgian Fund for Food Security, is hosting a special "Dialogue for Action" to identify successful and innovative actions that accelerate rural agricultural
July 13, 2011 / Working Papers
The Long Conversation: Customary Approaches to Peace Management in Southern Ethiopia and Northern Kenya Patta Scott-Villiers, Hussein Boru Ungiti, Diba Kiyana, Molu Kullu, Tumal Orto, Eugenie Reidy and Adan Sora June 2011 FAC Working Paper 22 This working paper is
July 6, 2011 / FAC Roundtable on Climate Change
Held at Fairview Hotel, Nairobi, 30th September 2010 DRAFT REPORT By Hellen Osiolo, KIPPRA and Rocío Hiraldo, IDS
July 5, 2011 / Science, Technology and Innovation
As calls for a ‘Uniquely African Green Revolution' gain momentum, a focus on seeds and seed systems is rising up the agricultural policy agenda. Much of the debate stresses the technological or market dimensions, with substantial investments being made in seed
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