The FAC Climate Change theme convened a policy roundtable in February 2012 to discuss key findings of a recent research on the status of agricultural climate change policy process in Kenya. Video and presentations have been published from the session.
The research, conducted by Immaculate Maina, Michael Okoti and Andrew Newsham, mapped different actors dealing with climate change in the agricultural sector in Kenya with a view to understand the current status quo, emerging narratives and the political processes that influence climate change policy making.
The research also looked at the key policy spaces in which important decisions relating to climate policy on agriculture are made and how they are likely to unfold in future. And lastly, the implications of national Kenyan policy process for action on the ground in the agricultural sector were explored.
In the short video clips below the researchers talk about their findings and the implications for Kenyan policy and practice.
Immaculate Maina:
Joanes Atela:
Michael Okoti:
The presentation the researchers gave at the workshop is available to view on our Slideshare site.
Presentation: Climate chaos, policy dilemmas
Research findings
Findings of the research reveal a multiplicity of public/private and national/international actors, initiatives and interests driving climate change and agriculture policy in Kenya in a variety of directions (both on the mitigation and adaptation side). Some of these actors and interests overlap and reinforce one another, but many others are pulling in different directions and some are pursuing seemingly contradictory and conflicting agendas that work at cross purposes, thus undermining their individual and collective effectiveness.
It is on this basis that FAC convened the roundtable meeting with researchers, policy makers, actors from the NGO and private sectors involved in work on climate change and agriculture in Kenya to reflect on these findings and provide input to the recommendations made by the researchers.
More information about the research and key recommendations can be found in the Research Update below.
Photo: Sunset over the Savannah, by Pam’s Pics on Flickr